
楼主: 本司胡同


发表于 2015-3-9 11:45:47 | 显示全部楼层
本司胡同 发表于 2015-3-8 10:21

一次她在一个华人商店看上了一副麻将,想买。告诉了她学生。学 ...






伯慧君好几次炫耀吃日式自助喝清酒喝到老板来央求。何必呢?直接结果是她自己都说自助餐包酒水的越来越少。我看即使包酒水也不太可能是 玉乃光 松竹梅 月桂冠 这样的高档清酒了。
发表于 2015-3-9 13:57:45 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-3-9 15:23:54 | 显示全部楼层
本司胡同 发表于 2015-3-8 09:45

国内新闻对国外 ...





发表于 2015-3-9 20:07:23 | 显示全部楼层
本司胡同 发表于 2015-3-8 10:32

老服务员 ...





发表于 2015-3-10 18:18:37 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-3-10 23:39:30 | 显示全部楼层

等 本司胡同 仁兄的精彩对辩!

发表于 2015-3-10 23:44:54 | 显示全部楼层
本司胡同:90年 Oka事件,加拿大魁北克省Oka的印第安保留区。政府要建Golf场。印第安不干,坐在道路上,坐在工地上。坐着。加拿大军队来了。印第安路中间站一排,军队也面对面一排,几天都没事。突然军队开打。印第安还击。舆论迫使加拿大政府退步。八月29,双方谈判,政府说golf不修了。印第安回家。军队包围印第安居住地,禁止任何人员物资出入。九月25,加拿大政府撕毁协议,继续修golf,军队继续包围。同日,印第安突围还击。僵持,后各退回。1991年,当地选举。不明因素迫使除了赞成修golf的原市长之外,无人敢出来参选。原市长等额当选。市长宣布不认错。这事情发生在1990年

1990年在魁北克省的奥卡危机(Oka crisis),奥卡危机是加拿大原住民土地争议﹐但由于一名魁省警员Marcel Lemay在奥卡危机初期被枪杀﹐后来演变成原住民与加拿大部队对峙78天﹐史称奥卡危机。

20年前,由于政府准备在这片地方交给私人建筑商建造一个高尔夫球场而遭到印第安人反对。1990年7月11日,政府出动警察清除了印第安人设置的路障,随后遭到印第安人激烈反对。危机一共持续了78天,加拿大军队曾被迫出动,政府最后放弃了在这里兴建高尔夫球场的计划。事件还导致省警Marcel Lemay的死亡。




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发表于 2015-3-11 00:18:11 | 显示全部楼层
PTE。帕特里克·克卢捷,一个“范斗”外围放哨,和莫霍克战士布拉德Larocque,萨斯喀彻温大学的经济系学生,奥卡危机期间面临下岗(图:加拿大出版社,1990年9月1日Shaney Komulainen)1717年,州长新法国授予涵盖了墓地和松树圣叙尔皮斯教堂的牧师或神父Sulpician学院,总部设在巴黎的罗马天主教秩序协会的土地。莫霍克族称,原批包括约9平方公里专供其使用。虽然Sulpician学院应该持有信托之地,神学院扩大了该协议给予自己唯一的所有权。[来源请求]
1868年,一年后联合会,奥卡莫霍克人的首领约瑟夫Onasakenrat [编辑]写了一封信给神谴责其非法持有的土地,要求其返回的请愿产生任何结果的莫霍克族。 1869年Onasakenrat攻击神用小武力,给传教士八天交出土地后。地方当局结束这种对峙与力量。[3]

由于对法院判决允许高尔夫球场建设进行了抗议,莫霍克社区的一些成员竖起了路障,阻止访问该地区。市长要求的Ouellette遵从法院命令,但o(︶︿︶)o 唉者拒绝。土著事务魁北克部长约翰·Ciaccia写支持信为当地人,说“这些人已经看到了他们的土地,而不必被征询或补偿,而且,在我看来,是不公平和不公正的,尤其是在一个高尔夫球场消失。“[6]
当它变得明显的Sûreté魁北克没有包含在此升级的情况下,政府引进了加拿大皇家骑警(RCMP),谁也无法遏制的小怪,并与交通堵塞有关的混乱; 10加拿大皇家骑警警员住院8月14日。
国防参谋长,约翰·德Chastelain,放在魁北克省的部队,以支持省级机关;从34和35的加拿大队组和5加拿大机械化旅集团大约2500名经常和预备役部队被提上另行通知。 8月20日,公司皇家22E团为首的主要阿兰·特伦布莱,花了三个路障,抵达最后的封锁通往争议地区。在那里,他们减少了无人区伸展,最初由Sûreté魁北克实施的路障在松树前,由1.5公里5米。更多的部队和机械化设备调动大约蒙特利尔临时区域,而侦察机上演空中的照片在任务莫霍克境内搜集情报。尽管双方高度紧张,没有出手进行了交流。
分辨率[编辑] 8月29日,在名士大桥封锁,莫霍克族谈判结束他们的抗议中校罗宾加格农的“范斗”指挥官负责监视封锁沿圣劳伦斯河南岸西蒙特利尔。这一行动进一步导致了在卡纳威克储备原围困的分辨率。
莫霍克族在奥卡,但是,被出卖的感觉在他们的名士大桥最有效的筹码损失:一次交通又开始流淌,魁北克政府拒绝按照其有关奥卡高尔夫球场扩建原有的纠纷进一步谈判。 9月25日见证了危机的最终参与:一个莫霍克族战士走了一圈封锁区域的周边用长棍子,掀起了已被最初安装由加拿大军队,提醒他们个人逃离该地区耀斑。士兵们打开这个男人水管,但它缺乏足够的压力,分散他周围的人群。这个人群嘲笑士兵,并开始扔水气球他们,但事件并没有进一步升级。第二天莫霍克族放下武器,拆除他们的枪,扔在火里,礼仪燃烧烟草和返回准备金。然而,很多是由加拿大部队拘留和被逮捕SQ。


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-11 08:32:21 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 本司胡同 于 2015-3-11 08:37 编辑

Canadian government gained control over Aboriginal land and peoples, disrupted
Aboriginal governments and economies, and sought to repress Aboriginal cultures
and spiritual practices. The government, often in partnership with the country’s
major religious bodies sought to “civilize”and Christianize, and, ultimately, assimilate
Aboriginal people into the Canadian society. The deputy minister of Indian Affairs predicted
in 1920 that in a century, thanks to the work of these schools, Aboriginal people would cease to exist as an identifiable cultural group in Canada.

Education was seen as a central element in this project. For their part Aboriginal people saw the value in schooling: it was at their insistence, for example, that many treaties required government to provide teachers and establish reserve schools.  The decision to invest in residential schools was based on a belief that the cultural and spiritual transformation that
the government and churches sought to bring about in Aboriginal people could be most effectively accomplished in schools that broke the bonds between parent and child.

When Canada was created in 1867 the churches were already operating a small number of boarding schools for Aboriginal people of Ontario. In the coming years, Roman Catholic and Protestant missionaries established missions and small boarding schools throughout the west.

The relationship between the government and the churches was institutionalized in 1883 when the federal government decided to establish three large residential schools in Western Canada.

Missionaries established missions and small boarding schools throughout the west. The relationship between the government and the churches was institutionalized in 1883
when the federal government decided to establish three large residential schools in
Western Canada. By the 1930s, there were over 70 residential schools in operation in all parts
of the country. By then approximately one-third of school-aged Aboriginal children were attending residential schools. Eventually more than 150,000 students would pass through the system. Over the century that the system was in operation more than 130 residential schools received government support.

The assault on an Aboriginal identity often began the moment the child took the first step across the school’s threshold. Braided hair (which often had spiritual connotations) was cut, home-made clothing exchanged for a school uniform, Aboriginal names replaced with a Euro-Canadian ones (and a number), and the unrestricted freedom of life in Aboriginal community foregone for the regimen of an institution in which every activity from morning to evening was scheduled. Males and females, brothers and sisters were separated and, with some exceptions, parental visits were discouraged and controlled.

Hastily and cheaply built schools were often found to have poor or non-existent sanitation and ventilation systems. With few infirmaries in which students with contagious diseases could be isolated, epidemics could quickly spread through a school with deadly results. Because schools were funded on a per capita basis, administrators often violated health guidelines and admitted children who were infected with such deadly and contagious diseases as tuberculosis. Parents were also often not informed if their children became sick, died, or ran way.

For the first half of the twentieth century,
the schools were on what was termed the
half-day system, under which half a day was
spent in the classroom and the other half in
vocational training. For the boys this was
largely restricted to farming and the crafts
that a farmer might have need of while the
girls were trained in the domestic sciences.
In reality, this was not so much training as
child labour, undertaken to subsidize the
ongoing operation of the schools.
The government mandated that English
be the language of instruction. And while
some missionaries had learned Aboriginal
languages and provided religious instruction
in those languages, in many schools students
were punished for speaking an Aboriginal
language. For most of the system’s history
the federal government had no clear policy
on discipline. Students were not only
strapped and humiliated, in some schools,
they were handcuffed, manacled, beaten,
locked in cellars and other makeshift jails,
or displayed in stocks. Overcrowding and
a high student-staff ratio meant that even
those children who were not subject to
physical discipline grew up in an atmosphere
of emotional neglect.
From the beginning, many Aboriginal
people were resistant to the residential
school system. Missionaries found it difficult
to convince parents to send their children to
residential schools, and children ran away,
often at great personal risk and with tragic
While the issue of sexual abuse was largely
unreported during the years in which the
schools were in operation, over the past
25 years it has become clear that this was
a serious problem in some schools. While
a number of high-profile court cases have
led to the conviction of school officials and
employees, the extent of such abuse—and its
legacy—requires further research.

For most of their history, residential
school wages were far below those offered
to other teachers, making the recruitment
and retention of teachers an ongoing issue.
While many remarkable people devoted
their lives to these institutions, the churches
did not require the same level of training as
was expected by the Canadian public school
system. It was not until after the 1950s that
the schools, for example, began to provide
high school education.
Many students have positive memories of
their experiences of residential schools and
speak positively of the skills they acquired,
the recreational and sporting activities, and
the friendships they made. Some students
went on to further their studies and develop
distinguished careers. But for most students
academic success was elusive and they left as
soon as they could. On return to their home
communities, they often felt isolated from
their families and their culture. They had
lost their language and not been provided
with the skills to follow traditional economic
pursuit. Many found that they had not been
provided with the skills needed to succeed
in the Euro-Canadian economy. Nor did
they have any experience of family life or

Indian Residential Schools
An Overview
On June 11, 2008, Prime Minister
Stephen Harper issued an apology to
the former students of Canada’s Indian
residential school system, calling it a “sad
chapter in our history.” That chapter is
part of a broader story: one in which the
Canadian government gained control over
Aboriginal land and peoples, disrupted
Aboriginal governments and economies,
and sought to repress Aboriginal cultures
and spiritual practices. The government,
often in partnership with the country’s
major religious bodies sought to “civilize”
and Christianize, and, ultimately, assimilate
Aboriginal people
into the Canadian
society. The deputy
minister of Indian
Affairs predicted
in 1920 that in a
century, thanks to
the work of these
schools, Aboriginal
people would
cease to exist as an
identifiable cultural
group in Canada.
Education was seen as a central element
in this project. For their part Aboriginal
people saw the value in schooling: it was
at their insistence, for example, that many
treaties required government to provide
teachers and establish reserve schools.
The decision to invest in residential
schools was based on a belief that the
cultural and spiritual transformation that
the government and churches sought to
bring about in Aboriginal people could be
most effectively accomplished in schools that
broke the bonds between parent and child.
When Canada was created in 1867
the churches were already operating a
small number of boarding schools for
Aboriginal people of Ontario. In the coming
years, Roman Catholic and Protestant
missionaries established missions and small
boarding schools throughout the west. The
relationship between the government and
the churches was institutionalized in 1883
when the federal government decided to
establish three large residential schools in
Western Canada.
By the 1930s, there were over 70
residential schools in operation in all parts
of the country. By then approximately
one-third of school-aged Aboriginal
children were attending residential schools.
Eventually more than 150,000 students
would pass through the system. Over the
century that the system was in operation
more than 130 residential schools received
government support.
The assault on an Aboriginal identity often
began the moment the child took the first
step across the school’s threshold. Braided
hair (which often had spiritual connotations)
was cut, home-made clothing exchanged
for a school uniform, Aboriginal names
replaced with a Euro-Canadian ones (and
a number), and the unrestricted freedom
of life in Aboriginal community foregone
for the regimen of an institution in which
every activity from morning to evening
was scheduled. Males and females, brothers
and sisters were separated and, with some
exceptions, parental visits were discouraged
and controlled.
Hastily and cheaply built schools were
often found to have poor or non-existent
sanitation and ventilation systems. With
few infirmaries in which students with
contagious diseases could be isolated,
epidemics could quickly spread through
a school with deadly results. Because
schools were funded on a per capita
basis, administrators often violated health
guidelines and admitted children who were
infected with such deadly and contagious
diseases as tuberculosis. Parents were also
often not informed if their children became
sick, died, or ran way.
For the first half of the twentieth century,
the schools were on what was termed the
half-day system, under which half a day was
spent in the classroom and the other half in
vocational training. For the boys this was
largely restricted to farming and the crafts
that a farmer might have need of while the
girls were trained in the domestic sciences.
In reality, this was not so much training as
child labour, undertaken to subsidize the
ongoing operation of the schools.
The government mandated that English
be the language of instruction. And while
some missionaries had learned Aboriginal
languages and provided religious instruction
in those languages, in many schools students
were punished for speaking an Aboriginal
language. For most of the system’s history
the federal government had no clear policy
on discipline. Students were not only
strapped and humiliated, in some schools,
they were handcuffed, manacled, beaten,
locked in cellars and other makeshift jails,
or displayed in stocks. Overcrowding and
a high student-staff ratio meant that even
those children who were not subject to
physical discipline grew up in an atmosphere
of emotional neglect.
From the beginning, many Aboriginal
people were resistant to the residential
school system. Missionaries found it difficult
to convince parents to send their children to
residential schools, and children ran away,
often at great personal risk and with tragic
While the issue of sexual abuse was largely
unreported during the years in which the
schools were in operation, over the past
25 years it has become clear that this was
a serious problem in some schools. While
a number of high-profile court cases have
led to the conviction of school officials and
employees, the extent of such abuse—and its
legacy—requires further research.
For most of their history, residential
school wages were far below those offered
to other teachers, making the recruitment
and retention of teachers an ongoing issue.
While many remarkable people devoted
their lives to these institutions, the churches
did not require the same level of training as
was expected by the Canadian public school
system. It was not until after the 1950s that
the schools, for example, began to provide
high school education.
Many students have positive memories of
their experiences of residential schools and
speak positively of the skills they acquired,
the recreational and sporting activities, and
the friendships they made. Some students
went on to further their studies and develop
distinguished careers. But for most students
academic success was elusive and they left as
soon as they could. On return to their home
communities, they often felt isolated from
their families and their culture. They had
lost their language and not been provided
with the skills to follow traditional economic
pursuit. Many found that they had not been
provided with the skills needed to succeed
in the Euro-Canadian economy. Nor did
they have any experience of family life or
By the 1940s federal officials had
concluded that the system was both
expensive and ineffective. As a result, the
federal government began to substantially
increase the number of on-reserve day
schools and, in the 1950s, to enter into
agreements with provincial governments
and local school boards to have Aboriginal
students educated in public schools.
This policy of slowly winding down the
residential school system was coupled with
an expansion of the system in the Canadian
north from 1955 onwards. Once again
children were separated from families for
lengthy periods, taught by people who
had no understanding of their language
or culture, and housed in crowded and
makeshift facilities.
The partnership with the churches
remained in place until 1969 and, while
most of the schools had closed by the 1980s,
the last federally supported residential
schools remained in operation until 1996.

Quick Facts on Residential Schools

    Aboriginal children were forcibly taken from their homes by RCMP. 1
    150,000 Aboriginal children were taken from their families. 3
    90 to 100% suffered severe physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. 1
    There was a 40 – 60% mortality rate in Indian residential schools. 1
    Residential schools date back to the 1870s. 3
    Over 130 residential schools were located across Canada, and the last school closed as recently as 1996. 3
    Two-thirds of Canadians believe (and four in ten strongly believe) that Canadians with no experience in Indian residential schools have a role to play in reconciliation between Aboriginal peoples and all Canadians. 2

1. Dr. Bryce Report 1907, Medical Inspector, Department of Indian Affairs
2. 2008 National Benchmark Survey, Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada
3. Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada


此简介摘自Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada


 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-11 09:25:02 | 显示全部楼层







发表于 2015-3-11 11:06:21 | 显示全部楼层
本司胡同 发表于 2015-3-11 08:32
Canadian government gained control over Aboriginal land and peoples, disrupted
Aboriginal governmen ...

发表于 2015-3-11 14:58:42 | 显示全部楼层
本司胡同 发表于 2015-3-11 09:25
"大家还都向往公务员。高工资,轻松。但依旧骂公务员们光拿薪水 ...






发表于 2015-3-11 15:41:08 | 显示全部楼层
表扯我啊:L 我是从初一到今天,都没怎么登陆网站。都不知道啥事儿呢。大感觉啊。胡同写的这东西,带点讽刺的笔调,然后呢,不知道是不是天秤座,喜欢铺垫,周到,于是夹七夹八的,正正反反。。。。。。。。大叔逮着一条条批,我觉得是力量用太过。先批大观点吧。不过大观点在哪呢,我最近事多,加班加得心乱,一下也没看出来。别纠缠一些细节啦,细节辩来辩去,徒增意气。~~~~~也算是和稀泥。先澄清下,胡同写个清楚明晰的主要观点出来。~~~~~~~~要不辩论来,辩论去,发现大家的主旨,观点其实差不了太多,岂不冤哉。
发表于 2015-3-11 15:46:05 | 显示全部楼层
感觉胡同也算是在批国民性,甚至是普通人的人性。  君子之德风,小人之性草。小人者,非奸恶之人,普通未曾经历过美好之人也(其实就是庸俗之人也)。普通庸俗之人,天底下,大概都如此。我自己也是如此,只不过想挣脱出来,超拔出来,做个自己觉得自己还是个人样的人,其实也还是经常在泥潭里打滚。
发表于 2015-3-11 17:06:05 | 显示全部楼层

本司胡同 :问题的焦点:轩辕认为人民在一起,贪腐集团在群众的对立面。我认为,没有办法把贪腐集团与人民做清楚的界定与切割。轩辕认为,有好人,有坏人。我认为,我是好人,我也是坏人。我可做好事,亦可作自认好事之大坏事。
发表于 2015-3-11 17:21:49 | 显示全部楼层
风行水上 发表于 2015-3-11 15:41
表扯我啊 我是从初一到今天,都没怎么登陆网站。都不知道啥事儿呢。大感觉啊。胡同写的这东西,带点讽刺 ...

发表于 2015-3-11 20:14:45 | 显示全部楼层


《周礼》之“春官宗伯”篇: 以禽作六摯,以等諸臣:孤執皮帛,卿執羔,大夫執雁,士執雉,庶人執鶩,工商執雞。
发表于 2015-3-11 21:55:51 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2015-3-11 22:30:27 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2015-3-11 23:20:06 | 显示全部楼层

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